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This is a very real problem, and one of the most common parental concerns.  Christian schools cost money—a lot of money.  However, the financial costs, though significant, are not the only issue to be considered.  Our overall role as parents and the way to choose what is best for our children’s Christian education is made up of many factors.

When all of the factors are considered, the question becomes, “is it God’s will that we use Christian school to help us fulfill our role of educating our children?”  If so, then God will do for us what He does anytime He gives us a command.  He'll give us the means to obey it. That is not to say that everyone will answer this question the same way or answer it the same way every time we are faced with new realities.  

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it."  (Matthew 13:45-46)

Truths of Scripture are always true.  He always provides. He always meets our needs. He always gives us the resources to parent biblically. And God has promised to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

Sometimes, if God wants us to have our children in a Christian school, he will provide the income to make that possible.  Sometimes he’ll provide the discernment to see where to make other changes to 


make the costs affordable.  There are other ways God may provide the necessary funding.  In some 

cases, churches have been known to assist their members.  Talk to your pastor and see if that's a possibility.  In addition, many schools offer financial aid to families with need or scholarships to academically-gifted students.  Never rule out the possibility until talking to others and to the school.  Contact the admissions department at your Christian school. 

At the end of the day, God may ask you to take a step of faith.  Then another—as He does in every area in which He is maturing us.  He will make His will known and take pleasure in our faithfulness.  When God calls us to a task, He equips us to fulfill it.  And He has provided Christian schools as one important tool in the task of parenting.

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Big Ideas to Consider:

1. There are basically two kingdoms: a kingdom of light and a kingdom of darkness. It seems strange to have those who walk in darkness educate children of light. It doesn't fit.

2. If Jesus Christ is Lord, then He is Lord of all. We cannot divide things into secular and sacred.

3. All truth is God's truth, and God's Word sheds light on our path. Only in His light can we see light. Education is not focused on possibilities but on certainties found in God's Word.

4. Deuteronomy 6 tells parents that, in all they do, they should provide a godly education 24/7.

5. Three key institutions that shape a child are the home, the church and the school. Children are served best when all three institutions point them in the same direction.

6. Only an education that has the liberty to address the whole child -- social, intellectual, emotional, physical AND spiritual -- reaches the possibility of excellence.

7. The best preparation for effective service is to be well grounded in one's mind before direct engagement of the culture.