Can My Children Get a Quality Education at a
Christian School?
Time and again, students in Christian schools have proven their academic mettle. Their test scores exceed the national average. Their grade equivalency soars high above
the curve. But inasmuch as education is a two-way proposition, with students shouldering part of the responsibility themselves, we'd like to offer a word of caution.
It's true that, generally speaking, students at Christian schools out-perform their public school peers. Reliable statistics bear that out. But that doesn't mean every child in a Christian school will excel.
"in (Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
(Colossians 2:3)
The important thing for you as a parent to remember is that attending a Christian school in no way prohibits your children from getting a quality education. In many cases, it will enhance their experience, because in addition to solid academic training, they'll be continually reminded of the spiritual foundation upon which all intellectual pursuits are built. As the Apostle Paul writes, "in (Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3).
Regardless of the academic setting - public, private or distinctly Christian - there are no guarantees. But there are opportunities. And almost without fail, your children will be given plenty of them at your local Christian school. Much of the rest is up to them.
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