Dear Colleague,
We recently completed a “renovation” of this site. We updated the look. We updated the information. We added some new features. Then we tested it. If you’ve visited the site lately, you may have found a survey. We asked visitors what they were looking for. What they liked. What they thought was missing. And now we are addressing those items.
So, you will soon find more information on types of Christian schools and how they are different yet have similar missions—because differences matter to parents and information is what they want. You will find more information on costs. Our goal will be to provide added information on financial resources as well as to frame the discussion around value. And we will be adding video—because that can be a powerful means of communicating our message. All of these things are being done because we believe in the ministry to which each of you, as heads of schools, have been called.
Our purpose remains the same—to give Christian parents the resources they need to find and choose the right Christian school for their family. We encourage you to use this as a resource and provide us with updates on both your school’s listing as well as ideas for added materials.
Soli Deo Gloria